I would like to formally apologize to all those offended by my last letter.
Unfortunalty - that is how I am when I hear of something as assnine as a
bloodthirsty ferret!!!
This time I will try to keep it clean.  By the Way - Good Editing.  LOL
I took one look at my Princess and thought - how in hell can such a
intelligent creature as her (All Ferrets) be bloodthirsty, vicious, and
immune to rabies vaccine??
My answer is once again - this is Bull**** - ha ha I beat you to the
editing.  Seriously - this is bull.  What kind of society do we live in
where it unfit or insafe to own a simple little bundle of joy.??
I cannot figure this out.  But why $10,000 and why sue FA??  Let her take a
polygraph test and prove she is not lying.  I'm a Baltimore City Community
Service Officer and I know that a polygraph is 99% accurate.
In any case - why sue for $10,000 - if it was her fault (And it is not) then
just sue for hosptial expenses.  It would be like me saying that a dog
scratched me and it must be killed and cut open to prove it did not have
rabies - then I can sue the AKC for allowing a bloodthirsty, vicious animial
to scratch me!!
I know none of that made sense just now - but that is my point - this B***H
is making to sense to me.  I've been bit by Dogs and Ferrets and Snakes and
I;m still alive - so are those animals and the owners were not sued.
I called the owner of the local pet store and he is the head of the rights
for pets in a good home - this is some kind of animal rights organization
and he said that all this is bulls**t.
Will someone please beat me over the head with a cinder block and just end
my life so I will not have to deal with these friggin iditotic manure for
brains money thirsty nothing better to do with there lives type of people.
If anyone was offended by this or the last message e-mail me for a private -
 personal apology.    [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1718]