S.O.S. (the Save Our Shelters fund) needs your help.  As many of you may
remember, we started this fund as a way of creating a pool of funds to help
out our shelters as they need it.  We have been raising money for the fund
with the help of Dosh and Associates, through the sale of a coupon book
redeemable for grocery coupons.
Now, here's the part where we need your help.  We've been running this
program for several months now, and the response to date has been, frankly,
very disappointing to us.  We have raised $300 for the shelters so far,
which represents 30 people buying coupon books.  That's just a little over
1% (yes, only one percent) of the households on the FML.
So, our question to you is: is this project actually worthwhile and should
we continue it?  If you DO think our shelters are worth raising money for
and you find the coupon program to be a good one, please support us at this
time by ordering a coupon book!  Forms for ordering coupon books are
available on Ferret Central and through the FML listserver, and I'd be happy
to email one to anybody who writes to me.  The coupon book costs $25, and is
guaranteed to save you much more than that off of your grocery bills (full
explanation is included with the order form from either of the above
sources).  Best of all, it will also raise money to help homeless fuzzies.
If you do NOT think the coupon program is worth supporting, please write and
let us know why!  We'd like to know why this program is doing so poorly and
what (if anything) we can do to save it.  If it's not salvageable, we'd like
ideas for what we could do in the future as a fundraiser.  Our goal is to
help the shelters financially, and if this program is unsalvageable, then
we'd like to move on to something else that will raise more money for them.
Thanks for reading this, and PLEASE help us to help the fuzzies through
your purchase of a coupon book and/or your ideas on the S.O.S. program!
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    /   @    @  \                                      - /
    |           |         Ela Heyn                   /
    ======@======         [log in to unmask]          /
[Posted in FML issue 1718]