Hi all,
A while back I saw a post about a USAF gal who was upset that the Army base
she was at wouldn't even give her ferrets shots.  I knew then that soe of
her thoughts where a littel miss guided but could find the reference i had
to show otherwise.
I especially remeber this post cause she mentioned Fairchild AFB, and this
is where i obtained this info.  Well anyway, in the AF at least, the other
branches follow similar policies as well but I don't know the specifics.
Anyway as I was saying it is to the descrestion of the base commander on
whether to allow ferrets on the base.  How ever it should be note the AFH
36-6009 (Air Force Housing regulation) an AF wide regulation says that
Exotics are not allowed in Base housing and like facilities, which lists
ferrets specifically under the catagory of exotics.  In the case of
Fairchild there there is a addition in thier base regulations FAFBI 31-105
ch 3.1.3, which is listed with the Security Police for FAFB which says that
Exotics shall not be allowed on base.  Again here too, ferrets are listed
specifically.  This regualtion is the one that the base commander has direct
control.  It should be noted that the policy of a waier for anything is
always possible especially in the AF and if you have enough determination
and bug the right people enough!  The best thing you can do is check with
your base's Housing ofc.  they were very knowledge able in that area.  Also
on all AF Bases the vets are always Army since the AF doesn't have the need
for animals in it's objective while the Army once did, with the calvery
which is why the Army still has this field and the AF does not despite the
fact they do use dog for security.  One of the quirks of the Military.
Matthew and his ferret fuzzies Peanut & Bijoux
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[Posted in FML issue 1716]