Hi all!
My ferret Codo, has always been very good as far as pooping in her litter
box.  I mean, she could be all the way across the room, and she would still
run to her cage, climb in and use the litter box.  About a week ago I ran
out of her normal litter, so I used a different kind until I could buy some
more.  This other kind is made of recycled paper and absorbs odors and
moister very well.  Codo did not approve of this litter so she decided to
poop in the corners of her cage instead.  I've since change her litter back
to the old kind and she still will not poop in her litter box.  Last night
she did something she has never done before, she pooped on my bed... Should
I do anything???  I've thought about rewarding her for pooping in her litter
box, but she hasn't done that since I put in her new litter!
[Posted in FML issue 1715]