Hello everyone,
Jitterbug seems much more active and happy, although she still only eats if
I hand feed her babyfood mixed with pediasure.  I am continuing on the road
so I will be off line after Monday night for a while.  I am also selling my
computer and won't get a new one until I am settled in so I will probably
have a new e-mail address.  Thank you all for everything, I can't tell you
how much I have relied on you throughout this entire ordeal.  Whether you
sent me a quick note to tell me Jitterbug was in your prayers, an
encouraging story, possible vets or phone numbers - I cherished every one.
Many of you gave me your personal phone numbers in case I needed anything
night or day and I am continually shocked at what wonderful people I have
met on this newsletter.  I can only say thank you from the bottom of my
Big, I unfortunately need you to unsubscribe me for a while - till I get my
new e-mail address, but I will be back as soon as possible.  Thanks for
being the world's greatest monitor , as well as my lifeline to help
throughout this experience.
Goodbye for now,
     Monkey, and
     the slowly recovering Jitterbug
[Posted in FML issue 1708]