Dear Carol,
I like your response on the various subjects.  But the answer to maggots was
"don't let the flies in" Thats like saying "Don't let it rain".  Thats
nearly impossible in normal enviroment of living.  We have to go in and out
of our door, and them little buggars are just waiting to get in.  The fly
swatter is in motion alot, but there is no way of NOT keeping flies out.
I agree, everything has to be kept clean, and I shutter to think how some
of these little fuzzies are kept, and what their enviroment is like. Not
toooooo pretty I am sure. I clean my fuzzies cages far more than I clean my
house. I just cant stand to see and smell a dirty cage. To me thats like
using your toilet for a week and not flushing it, I wonder if those people
would do the same in their home, and also eating and leaving everything on
the table and going back to it for every meal. I don't think so, but that
is what they expect their ferrets to do, and how to live. I am not talking
about the person who posted the original question, I am only surmizing in
my mind what alot of these cages look like.
Loosewire, Lucy, Sugar & Spice
[Posted in FML issue 1715]