To Elton and Nancy:
>My light silver, Argento (born 12/90), deveopled an odd lump on her jaw.
>After paying visits to two vets (Dr. Blevins and Dr Stahl).  Two blood test
>were normal, x-rays normal.  Needle biospy showed "some fluid".  The biopsy
>showed cancer ..
Before I can really give you much in the way of useful information, I'd have
to know what type of cancer we are dealing with - there are several types of
tumors that can arise in the mouth and jawa...
>Argento is was on antibotics for 10 days after the biospy.  She is getting
>presisone.  Dr. Stahl said there were two courses of action:
>1) Chemotherpy: involving inveious (sp?) drugs, blood test and more drugs
>   for about a month.
>2) continue with predisone
Most tumors from this area don't respond well to prednisone, but without a
more definitive identification of what type of tumor, I'd better not say any
more at this time...
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP              Chief Pathologist, AccuPath
Dept. of Veterinary Pathology               [log in to unmask]
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1714]