With all of this talk about Martens I just had to look them up in my
Encyclopedia to see if they do indeed look like ferrets.
And yes, they do!  The Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia Volume 17 says they
live in the northern hemisphere.
Their diet is carnivorous, such as "rodents, birds, and birds' eggs."
As for appearance the encycolpedia says they are "yellowish-chestnut in
general body color, with darker feet, and orange or white on the throat and
If you want to learn more about them, your encyclopedia or dictionary may
have pics of them.  Of course, you can always do a web search at a site like
Thanks to whoever first mentioned them.  It was very interesting to see a
pic in the encyclopedia of what they really look like.
By the way, I have a small web page on all sorts of animals.  You can access
some ferret info.  on it at
If you have anything to add to my site or correct, please eMail me with the
info.  Thanks!
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[Posted in FML issue 1708]