Hi Everybody..
Since I was the one with the 45 he referred to in the last list, I want to
reply to him on this subject..  I said 'looking fondly at my 45'...I did NOT
advocate anything..
You said to advocate violence where this individual is concerned [the
breeder] is wrong..  It would sure be stupid, that's for sure!!!  You tag me
with advocating violence towards this guy you then indicate such a person
[who would do nasty things to this individual] would be lacking in
compassion and intelligence..
One, I didn't encourage anyone to go shoot this person..  anymore than the
others who also had somewhat negative thoughts they expressed in the form of
offers to buy the tide, or whatever, advocated actually going there and
physically committing an act of personal violence via a tide scrub down in
To imply I cannot have compassion nor intelligence is an interesting idea..
and I agree with you..  those who know me on this list would not see my 'dry
humour' comment as advocating mayhem on anyone..  But to say that a person
who believes in 'an eye for an eye' is lacking in compassion and
intelligence..  well, it doesn't follow..  If you have decided that, because
of my comments on the subject of the breeder, that I lack "the qualities we
try to exemplify through our dedication to protect and save as many abused
animals as possible" [your words, Sir] then feel free..  but while your at
it..  please tell me what I am doing every day out here..  and have done for
17 plus years!!
Sorry friends..  but I couldn't let that one go without responding...
The 6 poolslinkies are still with us... I'll do a fuzzy by fuzzy update on
them as soon as I can get the time..
Web page..  David had included a page at his web page site that had my kids
on it..  but he has since gone on to other things in his busy life and has
turned it over to another person..  I couldn't do a web page if I had to..
It was kind of him to do it for a while..  his idea..  and it will be
wonderful if the new person adds my little ones to his web site..  but I
don't know where or when that will happen..  I am getting the pics of the
Skinny Six from a while back developed and if the new page gets going I will
send them to the nice person and they can be added..  it's so very kind of
these people to go to all this work and trouble..
I will post an update on Foggy and some of the others when I can get time to
do anything but tend the woozles in my charge..  I am sorry it's been so
long but I just get some 'repaired and relocated [R & R] and another bunch
comes in... I'll try to do better in the future..
 Happy Ferreting    dayna and the Woozles   :]
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  05-Oct-1996  02:49:51 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1713]