>From:    Casey Edwards <[log in to unmask]>
>But, he still stinks.  Yes, I quit bathing him so often.  I clean his cage
>every other day.  I am at the end of my rope....
Hmmm, your situation seems odd.  We have 10 free-run animals (7 ferrets, 3
cats) in our house and smell-wise you'd think we were animal free.  We do
clean up litterbox & newspaper poop twice a day - in the morning before work
and at night before bed.  I noticed your mention of a cage so this might not
apply, but is it possible little Toby found a place to relieve himself that
you are not aware of?  Check under couches and in other dark places you may
not have thought about, you might just find a surprise!  I have noticed some
foods make poop much stinkier than others, have you experimented with Toby's
food?  Other options which work nicely are to get a air purifier/ionizer -
my thought is that these work miracles to improve air quality and remove
stink!  Purchase a pet odor control candle - We found ours at "Restore the
Earth" a place that sells eco-friendly laundry detergent, cleaning stuff, et
al but I've seen them in catalogs too.  You burn them for about an hour a
day.  Clean the cage with a citrus based detergent.  Citrus does wonders for
Good luck.  charlene
[Posted in FML issue 1708]