Hey, everybody!
Well, we've gone from five ferrets to just two.  Thanks to the FML, my
little fuzzies have found new homes in Illinois and Indiana.  I'm still
looking to place the remaining two in ferret-experienced homes.  I live in
western Michigan and would be willing to drive a little bit to meet someone
if needed.  I have one eleven month old sable female, and one six month old
silvermitt male.  Both are fixed and descented, and ECE-free.  My one
concern is the male--he's a little wild and scared of humans yet.  I think
he was mistreated in his pet store days (he was there for three months) and
tends to hiss and nip when you reach to pick him up.  That's why I want him
to go to someone who I can trust to be kind to him.
So if anyone is interested, call me (616-772-3054) or email me
([log in to unmask]) for more info.  Thanks!
Laura Bosch and her remaining two ferrets, Wayne and Dr. Zaius
[Posted in FML issue 1711]