For all those who have scheduled to adopt these fuzzies -
These ferrets have been caged outside all their lives.  They have never been
cuddled hugged or kissed.  They have never played in a grocery sack or
curled up in a warm soft baby blanket.  They just sat day after day after
day in their cages then when they came into season they were tossed together
then when the task was done they were put back in their cages, alone.  :-(
They will need lost of love, care, understanding and patience.  They may not
live as long as our normal ferrets because of the breeding practice and the
insufficient nutrition but they deserve a good life as much as anyone does.
They have no idea what love is and will it may take many months before they
are able to respond in kind.
The little albinos eyes are not bright and shiny, they are dull and cloudy,
as if they try not to have feelings about anything.... I, too, know that
feeling well....
They don't use a litter box.... never seen one before but you know they make
great play boxes and once all the litter is scratched out they are great to
sleep in.  :-)
I'm still working on the info. Will post soon on it.
Just want to let you all know how deeply indebted I am to each of you for
helping us save these little ones.  God bless.  (No insult intended for
those that do not believe in God)
Hugs and love to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1711]