This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion:
>Fredonia Kansas breeder.  He has 40-50 ferrets and he wants to sell them
Troy Lynn and other shelters - I've been through this before and the WORST
thing you can do is buy the ferrets!  If this man does not quit breeding,
the problem will resurface in another few years.
I do one of two things with "breeders" who want to unload their ferrets on
some kind hearted person - I either charge them $25 apiece to take in intact
animals, no matter what their age, sex or condition is, or I will take
altered animals only at no charge.  With good explainations, I rarely have
been told to MYOB.
If you explain that the cost of food, vaccinations, vet care and such on
either yours or his parts would far outweigh the $25/per ferret cost, and
that the time and housing alone would benefit him to bring his number down
slowly or eliminate breeding all together, you will be doing yourself and
the ferrets a huge favor.
Shelters can NOT rescue all the ferrets.  If you buy the ferrets, he will
start breeding again - maybe not in Kansas, but somewhere.  Or he'll tell
his breeder friends that if they can't sell last year's stock, call a rescue
and they'll get soft and buy them.
As rescues, we must help educate as well as shelter the unwanted.  These
ferrets are not unwanted, they are just owned by a breeder who is too lazy
to do responsible acts - I'd call the SPCA or USDA on him.  Get the local
animal control to help.  But DON'T buy the ferrets.  Especially at $35
apiece - that is a rip off for animals that have not been handled, probably
are inbred, and will be difficult for you to care for and place.  By buying
them you are communicating the message that what he has done was/is okay and
that animal welfare means nothing.
IMO - Pam Grant / STAR*
[Posted in FML issue 1711]