Had a call from the vet today, someone found a ferret dropped off in a
rental car.  They dropped off the ferret at the vet.  A woman took it home
to "see".  If she doesn't want it we'll be trying to find it a home.  I
think its a female.
I think Dick Bossart is on the right track - why is it so hard to shut down
bad places?  For example the Kansas thing, ok so maybe the guy is just
ignorant (which isn't the same as stupid which is a different problem) or
"evil", maybe even a nice guy, he still needs to be shut down until, and
only until, he demonstrates the knowledge to care for his animals and breed
properly, has the funding to put in good facilities,AND also the willingness
to do so.  Is he selling the breeders because he is getting out of the
business?  That was something that wasn't clear.  I think the problem may
start with the definition of abuse, its sort of like the judge said about
pornography "well I cant define it but I know it when I see it".  What
constitutes animal abuse to some isn't to others.  I was glad to hear its a
felony in some states.
By the way - I can drive a leg between some where in Illinois and Michigan -
depending on the number of animals - I have a smallish car.
What ever happened to the smelly ferret, Casey I think?  I hope someone
nearby can go over and help her out.
Getting chilly here, Giesela didn't want to go for much of a walk which just
about floored me!
Mary, Boris and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1711]