First of all I'd like to say that I enjoy reading everyones posts....
I got a new six week old feret named whiskey....He is my little monster and
I have many questions.
First of all I was given pine bedding from the pet store...I removed it and
now there is just a steel bare floor, but he sleeps on a hammock and only
leaves when he is hungry or has to go to the bathroom?  what should I put on
the floor..(i've been using dish rags(clean).
Second he doesn't chuckle or make any noses, will he ever, when he gots
Third(very common) How the heck you get them to use the litter box?
Fourth My little furry likes to play and grabs my finger(constantly, he even
swings around and does the spring nip on me..He won't hurt me and has once
or twice got me hard and was diciplined with a pickup, look in the eye, a
loud NO!, and a back in the cage you go for ten minutes..  If he doesn't
hurt me should I still not allow him to grab my finger, will it eventually
turn to painful ones when he gets older?
There are many more but I'll spare you until I get these responses.
Thanks in advance
Proud, excited new ferret owner
[Posted in FML issue 1711]