Sunday was an important day for I and my fuzzies.  No... I have not yet
heard the final word from the sherrif (no news = good news?) but still it
was as important.
For some time, I have been trying to get the ferrets to sleep on my lap and
they have not done so..  until Sunday.  Tenaka was sleepy, and went into his
cage to sack out.  He was getting very annoyed with me because I kept taking
him out and trying to hold him until he went sleepy-bye.  It turns out that
they will only sleep on the blankie I have in the cage for them because they
love to snuggle up in it.  I took the blankie from the cage and draped it
over my lap.  The fuzzies immediately curled up on my lap and went to sleep,
but not before both turned towards me and gave me a look that clearly said,
"Took you long enough..  should have done this sooner, dummy!"
Cayanne sleeps with her tongue sticking out which is simply precious!  She
also will contort into what to anything other than a ferret HAS to be an
uncomfortable position.  Tenaka likes to stretch out like a sausage, and is
invariably out like a light.
Looking down upon my now sleeping ferrets, I began to think (Laudable
enterprise, I know).  I see how loving and trusting these creatures are, and
simply cannot understand how anyone could and or would mistreat these
beautiful babies.  I simply do not understand, nor will I try to.  Because
the day I DO understand why people mis-treat ferrets and any other animal,
is the day I no longer should be on this Earth.
I do not comprehend cruelness in any form.  I cannot understand why anyone
could take such pleasure in causing pain.
I found myself wondering what I would do if I came upon such a situation.  I
HOPE I would have the capacity to say, "If you do this from ignorance, then
let me teach you how to do it right.  If you do this from hatred, then let
me solve the problem by taking the animal away from you." But I wonder if I
would be capable of that.  In my eyes, people who harm animals outside of
legitimate MEDICAL research (none of this make-up horror for me!) are not
Human in any sense of the word.  I wonder if I COULD treat them as such, if
I could hold back the anger that BURNS inside of me now after reading some
of the horror stories that have been posted.  Would I be able to control
myself, or would I succumb to the desire to beat the ever-lovin-s*** out of
the sc***ag?  (After I got the animal to safety, of course).
I have no doubt I will find out someday.  I have informed my vet that if he
sees a ferret coming in that is being mistreated, to let me know and I will
adopt it (I do have a limit..  my apartment is not THAT big, and I
absolutely lack the skill for running a shelter, if not the heart).
It is not often that a thought comes along thatbothers me like this.  A
question has been posed to me, and I really don't know the answer.  What
would I do?  The only answer I have right now is: The best I can.
  ---Bryan Hall
   Canonical List of Famous Last Words
   (Roleplaying : Fantasy and SF)
Hundreds of brave characters lost their lives during thousands of
roleplaying sessions leaving us their last words.  We'll never forget them.
Rest In Peace.
084-"No, I'm sure there's some stipulation that says a disintegrate spell
   won't work if the spellcaster casts it on himself.  Here, I'll prove it."
[Posted in FML issue 1708]