Melissa, I've been following your posts about Easel with joy!  She sounds
like she's really found her way into your heart (like she did mine :)).  The
first time she weasel-war-danced was a day to remember.  I was afraid she
would never be able to do that and the look of joy on her face was wonderful
to behold!  You mentioned her leg was amputated, however, she was born that
way (I saw her the day she was born, at a nearby breeders, and there was no
signs that mom had tried to "help" her out).  The breeder asked if I wanted
her or else he would "have her put down".  Of course I said I would take her
and I went over to visit her at least 2-3 times weekly to watch her progress
and give her lovin'.  She was the first in the litter to open her eyes (with
a physical handicap that may have been a survival trait, so she could see
the food before the rest).  She did get sores when she first started to
crawl around and I had the breeder apply a salve that seemed to help her
heal quickly.  Since then she has had no problems except when she plays long
and hard, her poor little stump would get a little red.
Thanks for sharing her stories with us (me)!!
Tracy and the fuzzbeans
Mid-Michigan Ferrets and Rescue
GLFA Show Registrar
[Posted in FML issue 1710]