>I asked before, but got no answer, so I'll hound you all again.  What is a
>reasonable minimum temperature for outdoor ferrets?
>Catherine Shaffer
I suspect that it's purely a factor of how big a heap of nice blankets they
have a chance to burrow into and bundle up in.  Of course, they have to come
out for drinks and "output" - they'll haul the food down into the "warm
spot" if need be.  I suspect as long as there's a *good* blanket pile and
they can still drink somehow, there may not be a lower limit...but please
note, that's from observing my purely indoors guys.  I can't count the
number of times I've waken up on a "quick, turn on the heater and run back
to bed" winter morning, only to find the weasels all piled up around my
feet.  They are really good at knowing how to deal with cold.
[Posted in FML issue 1710]