Howdy Ya'll! I was asked this question yesterday and haven't a clue what the
answer is, maybe someone has the answer for me.  "If ferrets don't sweat and
don't pant then how do they cool themselves?"
Personnaly I think they do pant.  But I've never seen mine do it, probably
because I've never put them in a hot environment. But even after a long hard
play period I've never seen it either.
Here's a funny story, well I think it was funny.  I gave my 3 kids a bath
last night and Booger was last in line.  While I was rising him he started
to swim in a circle.  Then after about 3 rotations he pooped while still
turning and there he was turning in circles with poop circling around him.
I guess he didn't want to get any on him, I don't know. It was the first
time he did the turning thing and at the time it was pretty funny.
Booger is my crazy ferret.  I believe, he believes he is a flying squirel (I
guess I shouldn't have let him climb trees and watch the Rocky and
Bullwinkle show when he was little).  He'll jump from just about anything,
so we have to be careful.  He'll jump from the chair to the coffee table,
slide across it and fall off the other side.
He realized the other day that there is something ALIVE in the fish tank.
And he wants it *bad*.  He got on top of thier cat scratching post/hidy
hole, it was about 2.5 feet away from the tank but he thought he could make
it.  So, he balanced, yelled "BONZI" then jumped, legs stretched out wide,
tail turning circles and had there been some place for him to hold on he
would have made it, but there wasn't so he fell.  He wasn't hurt, just a
little frustrated.  He does this flying ferret thing almost every day so I
think I'll have to get him a little parachute and some of those goggles that
parachutists were.
I think he was a thrill seeker in a past life, because he also likes to
climb his cage a lot.
Dooks to all!
Laura and The Troublesome Trio
[Posted in FML issue 1738]