Greetings and Salivations!
Got an interesting letter this morning.  Actually it is the second time that
someone has written to me about the matter.  It seems that the writer was
just a little put off by the widespread use of the term 'fert' in FML
postings.  She asked me if I had coined the term.  My reply was that I
*think* I did when I referred to myself as an Old Fert about a year ago.  I
went on to apologize for any offense she had taken by my playing around with
the word 'fart'.  Her response to this was to thank me for respecting her
views and for taking the time to explain that I mean no disrespect to anyone
when I play around with English as She is Spoke.
Rather than an enemy, I gained a friend today.  Now that's the kind of flame
I can deal with!
She did get my brainpan to thinking.  Was fert in use before I began my FML
ramblings?  It's really not important - I think it's a cute word no matter
who came up with it.  I'm just curious.  Any FML historians out there who
can shed some light on the matter?
On a related note, Mee Maw often chuckles when she reads the FML becuase she
see's some of my phrases and pet words repeated in other posts.  One time,
when I was in a grumpy mood, I complained to her that it really was making
me mad that some folks were 'ripping off' my writing style.  She correctly
pointed out that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Dang!  I hate
it when she's right.
So, thanks for finding a smile or two in the things I write and the way I
write them.  Thanks for joining in the joy!
As far as Halloween is concerned, we are going to have a lot of fun.  I'm
going to strip down to my loin cloth, dye Thor black, stuff Tater and Odie
into a pouch and go around Trick or Treating as the Beastmaster.  Mee Maw's
going to wear her best torn nightgown and go as Tanya Roberts.  Film at
eleven.  If you don't hear from us for a few days, please send bail money!
On a serious note, many much thanks to Kit West for allowing us to join in
the sacred rituals of his beliefs.  I firmly believe that such sharing will
eventually lead to understanding and to the healing of the human condition.
This is my hope.  This is my joy.
Many much loves.
Paw Paw (be sure to check out the new FFOFF
[Moderator's note: The first instance in the FML of the use of "fert" as
slang for ferret was way back in issue 33 - in July of 1988!  It has been
continued to be used since - though with some periods of disuse.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1738]