Howdy from Eden in Seattle,
Barbara T and the amazing furry butts wrote:
>I think we're all nuts then!  Even worse, though, is when you allow yourself
>to remain sick for months without going to the doctor, but there is no limit
>to the cost you will spend to get the ferret better.
Yup, I went and had a flu shot this morning even though I'm majorly
needlephobic because we've been trading flus with the boys over the last few
months & I want to be sure I dont get sick again so that they wont get sick
again - I'd never have done it otherwise.
We're keeping our house significantly warmer this Fall than we used to
because we want the boys to be comfy (what's an outrageous heating bill when
you have 2 sweet woozly faces staring up at you going "but mom we can get
out of bed, it's COLD out there!")
Basically we're a pair of softies & will do anything the boys ask of us
that wont endanger them...
Oh yes, we're tryng an experiment: neither of my 2 guys like car rides AT
ALL - they get very upset & scared - they either sulk, or bang at the door
of their carrier - whenever we have to take them for a drive.  so for the
last month or so when they go outside the house for their daily walks we've
let them play in the car (if they want to) they think its a playground now,
and beg to be let in.  Our hope is that when we next have to take them to
the vet (tomorrow) they'll be in an environment they're used to & it wont be
as traumatic.  Anyone else tried anything like this?  did it work?
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 1738]