>From:    Kylie Preisig <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Breeding ferrets
>A big black hole I have noticed in the otherwise excellent information
>available on the internet about ferrets is anything to do with breeding
Yup.  Thats why Pam Greene and we are working on a ferret breeding FAQ to go
along with the other portions.  We are wor king with folks who've been
breeding ferrets for more than ten years to get it right.
Your list will help us.  If anyone else has particular questions they'd
want answered please send them to us.
In the FAQ under construction we'll have sections on choosing good breeding
animals.  Genetics (very simplified unless the local genetics experts offer
help - please).  Self control on breeding only the best jills - a common
problem is to breed all available jills with out planning enough.
Preventing problems like mastitis - simple soap and warm water can prevent
nearly all cases.  We keep all the old FMLs and will try to include
questions from them.
In the mean time we are more than willing to help anyone interested in
breeding.  Another very good resource is "The Breeder's Digest", a quarterly
newsletter published by Vickie McKimmey.  Subscriptions are I believe still
$10 a year - for more information call Vickie at (703)777-2112.  I have no
idea what she'll have to do about international subscriptions.  You also
will have a 6 month lag/lead on breeding season South of the Equator.
I'll answer quickly - not thouroughly the questions as listed.
- care of whole males
  eg I know that whole males can't live together but what about putting them
  with a neutered male or female?
Whole males need to be housed alone while in rut (season) but most tlerate
female roomates and some tolerate male roomm ates the rest of the year.
- care of whole females
  eg how to tell if they are on heat, jab vs vasectomised male
When the vulva swells they're in season.  They'll need a male within a week
or so after fully going in.  If they take t o long to go in a hormone shot
might be required.  Much more information on that is required.
- care of pregnant females
  eg nutrition, housing, gestation period
We use Totally Ferret.  Sprinkle on KMR or Esbilar (milk replacer powders)
the last week of the 42 day gestation period.  We seperate them from their
room-mates for the last week or two - hormonal behavior changes determine
how quickly.  If you have pregnant jills you'll know - they nest just like
human pregnant females.
- false pregnancies
Well two kinds.  Intended and un-intended.  Intended is from vasectomized
hobs or hormone injections.  Un-intended is those times it just didn't
happen.  This will be a long section on the unintended.  Intended false
pregnancies are treated rather like intended pregnancies.  The same
hormonal changes occur.
- birth
  eg common birth complications and what to do about them.
- care of newborn kits
- and probably lots more that I haven't even thought about....
These we'll answer in the FAQ or in private email so as to not fill way
too much of the FML space.
The extreme long distance from the US to Australia will mean email is the
best approach but feel free to ask us anything you want.  That goes for
others as well.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1738]