Hi ya'll.  After a long without any computer connections I am at long last
back again.  Boy, how I missed all the wonderful, funny, and sometimes
heartbreaking stories and all the good info all of you have to share.  If
you don't remember (and you probably won't) I am a Chemical Engineering
student at Georgia Tech in Atlanta and was sharing my dorm room (illegally)
with my fuzz ball Rascal last year.  I am very happy to say that her biting
habit is gone, but I think my solution my differ from some of yours.  She
was a really bad nipper, no blood, lots of pain.  Well, I finally decided
that maybe she was lonely, so TJ, a very clumsy rather large male kit,
entered our lives.  Since the time I got him she has never nipped again
(well, only if I tickle her belly).  So if you have a single ferret maybe
they just want to play.  Anyway, I love both my babies a whole bunch.  I am
also in an apartment now, so they are both perfectly legal, which takes a
load of my mind.  Well, gonna go now, lots of happy duking to ya'll.
Holly Callaway
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P.S.  Are there any rescue shelters in or around Atlanta?
[Posted in FML issue 1737]