Anyone have any suggestions and experience with surgery for BOTH right
adrenal and insulinoma at the same time?
VETS out there: Any advice for us?  Bean's got adrenal trouble on the right
side, and also has symptoms of insulinoma.  I assume the insulinoma is the
priority, right?  I know it's proper "vet etiquette" for me not to interfere
with what Dr. Diehl is doing, so I guess I'm also asking if he can call with
questions.  He doesn't have internet access at the moment.  I'm also asking
what I can do pre- and post- surgery to help Bean as much as possible.
She had a particularly bad low-blood sugar seizure this past weekend,
which consisted of her being unresponsive for about an hour and a half, her
temperature being in the mid 90's, her heart rate at about half what it
normally is, and at one point - no blinking reflex or swallowing reflex.  I
somehow managed to get her out of it by giving her sub - cu fluids, keeping
her in a heating pad, and rubbing syrup water on her gums.  Is there
*anything* else I could have done to help her come out of it sooner, or
prevented it from getting so bad?  She's okay now, and I've been feeding her
every few hours.  Finally- what can I do to insure she won't go into
hypoglycemic shock before, during, or just after surgery?  What can I be
Thanks so much-
Please reply to   [log in to unmask]
---- [log in to unmask] Andrea M ----- [log in to unmask]
Love to all weasels everywhere from the happy ferret house
Whitman, Joon, Benny, Bean, Hopi and angels Frito and Kadi
-Jumpier " than a ferret on a double espresso" - Dennis Miller-
----- "I've got spots, I've got .. stripes, too." - Ani Di Franco----
[Posted in FML issue 1737]