To Joanie Williams:
I knew I could flush out a mastiff owner on this list.  Thanks so much for
the info.  That is the relationship I had imagined/hoped a mastiff might be
able to have with the fuzzdorks.  To all others who answered this question,
either privately or publicly--thanks!  It seems my best bet is to get a
puppy and let the ferrets raise him.  <g> I'm sorry I can't respond to
private emails.  I am swamped with mail, and closing on a new house this
afternoon, so I really don't have time!
(My husband and I were chatting last night when we realized that even though
neither of us had *suggested* using the second bedroom of this two-bedroom
house as a ferret room, that's what we both assumed.  Once we realized this
was subliminal conditioning by the FLO, we were able to reassign bedroom
number two as an OFFICE, not a ferret room.  The fuzzbutts are going to have
an extended stay in the bathroom while I put them through litter box
bootcamp.  We are not going to make the same mistakes again!)
To Bryan Hall: Don't feel bad, and keep up the good work.  If you are
frightened of being bitten again, please don't hesitate to get help or try
to find a different home for the fuzzie.  If you're willing to give it
another try--go for it!  You didn't do anything wrong.  I remember when
Mithie latched onto my nose.  Boy was I angry!  I "bowled" her right down
the hall.  Fortunately, Mithie is made of rubber, and no harm came to her
either.  Now, I'm more careful of her, I know her habits, and we love her to
death.  Please plan on spending a year or more in completely reforming your
biter.  If it takes less, you'll be pleasantly surprised.  If he has a
relapse in eight months, you'll be ready.
Raisin overdose: No sweat.  There's nothing poisonous in the raisins.  It's
just a very powerful laxative.  My Sebastian once ate like fifty of them in
a sitting.  I never saw a more hilarious sight than him chowing down on that
raisin bag like there was no tomorrow.  haha!
-Catherine Shaffer
[Posted in FML issue 1736]