These are the hit games played at the Christmas household:
- got one of them 8ft. dryer tubes.  While running back and forth in the
morning rush to get ready for work, get the kid ready for school, feed all
the cats, dogs, ferrets and people, etc., ferret gets in dryer hose and I
pick up other end and drag hose behind me.  Ferret either runs up the end
I'm holding in which case, I must then release that end and pick up other
end, or ferret hangs out of the end thats dragging behind while lying on
back with front paws hanging on to hose and laughing ( I swear they laugh ).
When stops are made, mostly for me to take a hit off my oxagen tank (just
kidding), ferret runs out wardancing and jumping on the hose!  Warning:
don't do this if you really don't have the time to laught hysterically.
Tears streaming down your face will only make you re-do your make-up later.
- You know how much fun making the bed with the ferts is?  You know what fun
they have with the Krinkle Sack?  WELL, combine these two activities by
filling sack with ferts and dropping on the bed and then shaking all the
blankets and sheets up making sure to bounce the ferret containing sack
sufficiently!  Much dooking, shaking and war dancing to follow.  Warning:
beds will probally go un-made this day but so what?  You just mess them up
again at night when you sleep in them.
Under the "Why fight it anymore" heading:
My ferts insisted on constanly spilling their dry food onto the floor no
matter what kind of dish or set up I tryed.  They just wanted to lie down on
top to eat.  So I found a very large plastic dish I was unsing to feed tha
birds in the back yard, and flinging the seed, I now keep the fert food in
it.  It's shallow enough for them to climb in and large enough for them to
lie down (take a nap if they want!) and eat to their hearts content.  No
more food on the floors.  P.S.  No its not kept in the back yard anymore.
[Posted in FML issue 1736]