From: [log in to unmask] (Carrie Mae Blake)
Subject: Kodiak's surgery, Gwen, Sheena, Meg
GWEN. . . I felt much the same as you - and as I write this, my Kodiak is
curled in my houserobe recouperating from having an adrenal tumor removed
that was the size of a pea last Friday- and the largest that the vet had
ever removed.  Kodiak DID NOT show classic symptoms of adrenal dysfunction
(he seemed to be losing some of his guard hairs, a small part of his belly
went naked, and then regrew hair) and there has never been anything wrong
with his appetite and was healthy is all other appearances - lots of energy.
It was only in the week while waiting to take him to an experienced ferret
vet in Vancouver that he started losing hair on his tail.  If it is adrenal -
DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SHE IS ILL to have the surgery.  I feel it is best to have
a strong animal to go through the surgery - especially if they are
reasonably sure that it is the problem.
THANK YOU SHEENA - your vet is the best !!  Kodiak could not have been in
better hands I feel !!  When I have more time I shall pop in for a visit
wiht your menagerie
MEG - Kodiak is a Hagen ferret, (bred by small Canadian breeders) - and has
just had a adrenal tumor removed.  'Nough said.
This FML is a great source of support - and thank you so much for others who
posted back to us through Kodiak's investigations!!
Take Care
Carrie and Steven
Nunuq, Kodiak and Medeek
[Posted in FML issue 1735]