I was just reading the FML and I remembered a cute story about my 1st fuzzy
Cocanut.  the story goes like this.
One day, well we were told we couldn't have the ferrets in this apartment
building.  It's not that it was a pet free place.  it's just that one day a
man was repairing our air conditioning and cocanut, who always gets out of
her cage(the house was ferret proof anyway), started running after this man
wanting to play.  She never bites and she never did.  This man, though, was
scared half out of his whits and thought the "thing" was ferocious!  i
couldn't believe it.  We ended up having to get rid of her, but only for a
little bit, we couldn't ever give up our cokie!
happy cookin,
Sarah, Theo, and Cocanut
[Posted in FML issue 1734]