>The ad read:"Found exotic animal.  Call to identify (209) 449-0204." This
>was the DUMBEST thing I ever did.  Two weeks later, the sunday after
>Thanksgiving the Fish Fuzz came knocking on my door.
Just a mischievious thought......
Want to drive California's Fish and Game nuts?  Simple.
Everyone who is ferret friendly take out an ad in the 'found animal' section
of the paper.  Obviously F&G reads that section.so concentrate on a problem
area, like Bakersfield etc.  Run, 2 or 3 'found ferret' ads a day and keep
it up for as long a money permits.  If everyone would contribute to a 'war
fund', say...5 dollars, the ads could run for 6 months or more.  Of
course..give a fictitious address but no phone.  F&G will spend big bucks
checking out all these 'leads' and even though they know they are false,
they will still have to expend the time and effort to do so..until such time
that the budget makers for the department calls an end to their folly.
The ads would have to be changed eiother weekly or bi-weekly, but just think
how much fun it would be to know that F&G is on a snipe hunt.
Then, as a final straw, in 6 mnths or so, let the local newspaper and TV
news people in on how you think that F&G is wasting taxpayers' money on the
ferret, er...snipe hunts and let them start answering questions about
departmental waste....
The thought just tickles my fancy..............."Hello, Bakerfield
Star?  Yes, I wish to place an ad for a found................"
[Moderator's note: Now wouldn't it be funny if the address in the ad happens
to be the home of someone working for F&G?  ;-) BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1734]