Hello to everyone!
I've been reading this for about six weeks now and i've found lots of useful
information.  I got my little Tigger about that long ago (a MF, male,
chocolate *i think*) and we've had tons of fun discovering each other!  I do
have some questions/concerns though.
1.  I also have a 13 year old cat that doesn't seem to care much for my
fuzzy.  At first Poohbear ignored the fert now he actively seeks out and
attacks him.  Needless to say i keep them separated at all times.  Any
suggestions on how i can get them used to each other without bloodshed?
2.  I notice ferrets seem to get alot of diseases, cancers etc.  I'm a
little intimidated by it all.  Is this really widespread among the species
or is it just that this arena for discussion makes it seem out of
proportion?  (i must add here my cat is diabetic and i give him insulin
injections once a day, but i don't really want to have a house full of
animals that i have to medicate all the time!)
3.  About the litterbox training issue... Tigger seemed great the first
couple of weeks but seems to have now decided that anywhere is a good place
including much to my dismay, the coffee table.  Whenever i catch him backing
up for the ready i try and grab him and put him in one of the boxes.  Any
4.  I live in central Virginia (Charlottesville) area and wanted to see if
there was anyone near me that would possibly want to get together to share
advice and ideas etc.  Email me at [log in to unmask]  I'd love to find some
more experienced fert lovers!
5.  Could someone explain what dooking and war dancing are so i know if my
Tigger does that??
Thanks to all!
Marcia - mommy to Poohbear and Tigger
Tigger:  come on play with me...pleeease!!!
Poohbear:  sure...I'll play with you alright...*swat*
[Posted in FML issue 1733]