Juliana Quadrozzi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>!!!!!Why doesn't everyone that has success post THEIR methods on how to
>>get the poop in the poopbox
>BRIBES - When Hendrix wakes up, make sure he goes before he comes out - yes
>you have to wait & watch -
julian likes to "trick" me.  at 5 years old, she definately knows the
routine of what must be done to be let out of her cage.  sometimes, when
she's feeling mischevious, she will back up in the corner of her litter box,
"fake" going to the bathroom, hop out of her litter box, and look up at me,
wanting to be let out.  (as if i can't tell there are no "presents" there.)
after telling her "no-no, go to the bathroom," she'll hop back in the litter
box, and get to it.
*hee*  sneaky little critter. :)
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[Posted in FML issue 1733]