In response to the person asking about ferrets and hegehogs, I just want to
say, don't let them get together.
I use to own a hedgehog, and you're right, they DO NOTHING, except curl up
in a little ball if they are not use to interactiion between the handler and
hedgehog, one must start interaction soon after birth, then they develop a
I do know that even with their defensive quills, and very painful if stuck
with them, they still are vulnerable to certain animals.  Large birds,
(hawlk & etc) for one, they will try to drown them, and when they uncurl,
their undersides are then exposed to being attacked in that area, and
killed.  So as you can figure out, ferrets are intelligent enough to learn
how to and where to attack a hedgehog, to be most benificial.  For the most
part, I would keep all small rodent and animals away from ferrets, they are
sweet, but they have natural instincts.
BTW, I found a home for my hedgehog, and the fella spent many hours with
him/her, never could find out which it was, and he said that he is enjoying
such a lively and active and personalble little animal.  I am a type of
person, as we all are in our home, like to kiss and hug and wooly a pet, and
hedgehogs are NOT that kind of pet.  hahaha
Well, my husband, while outside came in to find that the ferrets enjoyed a
whole new pack of cigarettes!!!!  I am finding a cigarette here and there,
but guess he hasn't figured that he needs to crawl and search in their
hideyhole for the rest, if there is a rest.  LOL Man, if they keep it up,
with stealing packs, we'll have to put them on the nicotine patch : )
[Posted in FML issue 1733]