I'm a new mom.  I've only had Joey since 10/21/96.  His is my first ferret
baby.  I got Joey at a pet shop, he is 6 mos.  old.  When I saw him at the
pet shop I noticed he had diarrhea, and when I picked him up he was just
skin and bones.  The girl at the pet shop told me the reason he had diarrhea
was that she had just changes his food two days ago and he was thin because
of the diarrhea.  Once I picked him up, that was it.  He was mine and there
was no turning back.
I took Joey home and the diarrhea continued.  He became very weak and was
falling over and had a hard time with his hind quarters.  I called my vet
and made an appointment.  I called the pet shop back to get a few answers.
Why did they change his food?  She said because he wouldn't eat the Ferret
Food so they were giving him IAMS Kitten food.  I asked how long he had been
in their store?  She said they had him for 4 day.  I asked how long has he
had diarrhea?  She said yesterday (Tuesday) that would make it three days.
So I figure he was sick when he got there and never ate at all in those four
When the vet checked his weight, it was 1.5 lbs.  and she said he should
weight quite a bit more.  She said in the last week she has seen 3 ferrets
with the same thing and one had died because he didn't get help in time.
Her diagnosis was severe gastritis caused by Helicobacter Mustelidae, and
his blood test confirmed this.  They hydrated him subcutaniously and put him
on three different meds.  I also have to force feed him a/d canned food
mixed with water every 3 to 4 hours.  To top it off the poor baby had ear
mites also.
We started his meds. and food as soon as we got home from the vets yesterday
and I am happy to report that when I woke him up for his first feeding this
morning he had bright shining eyes, a nice pick nose, his diarrhea wasn't as
bad and he started telling me he didn't like the force feeding and the
medicine.  Later this afternoon he played a little, not much, but enough so
I knew he was feeling better.  He even took some of the food off a spoon
instead of the syring.
I informed the pet shop of his condition and they said they would pay the
vet bill.
I love reading this digest and hearing your stories and things.  Please help
me, pray for, and give Joey strength to  make a complete recovery from this
nasty stuff.  I may have only had him for 3 days but I can't handle the
thought of losing him.  I loved him from the moment I picked him up and held
him in my arms.
Thanks all,
Joey's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1732]