I did have a talk room on IRC, Undernet to be exact, but I had only 4
fathfull people stopping in, and I would hear from people who found that it
was hard to get on to Undernet, which I was warned about.  I had so many
people respond with interest when I posted the question, if there would be
interest, and I got the YES response.
I had a list of many e-mail addresses, but my husband crashed my system
trying to install a program, and it took him 3 days to get it back up and
running, and I LOST everyones e-mail address.
If these few people that use to stop in the room, see this message, please
e-mail me, I miss you guys,
and cant think of Steves nick except Lates, Steve hahahahah
and there are a few others who would drop in to say hello
I would be interested in moving the room over to another server if it would
be easier, but with my busy schedule its hard to sit a room just trying to
start up, unless I put it for a hour each night to limit the babysitting
time waiting for someone to show up.
Take care all and I hope to hear from you all.
[Posted in FML issue 1732]