Here I am again, consulting the great, vast resource of knowledge that is
the FML...I have a question.
My parents recently got another fert from a local breeder...she's a tiny
black marble kit, extremely people friendly and vocal.  Ziggy is no more
than 8 or 9 weeks old now, probably.  Anyway, I was at home in San Antonio
with my folks and decided to give all the furkids a bath (no mean feat), and
the whole time I was bathing the others, Ziggy would latch onto my feet and
bite hard.  I've had pretty good success stopping ferrets from biting
before, but she is so young, and I'm sure she just thinks she's playing.
Anyway, I read that some people used bitter apple or bengay to stop ferts
from biting their feet or whatever...I don't know where the bitter apple
went, but I rubbed some bengay on my feet (umm, warm) and Ziggy wouldn't
bite anymore.  My question is, though...there are some health warnings about
ingestion, etc.  on bengay.  Is this a safe tactic?  It seems to work,
especially if you rub it in good, but I don't want to poison the baby...Any
advice would be great.  Thanks!
Kelly -- trying to stay ahead of your ferrets is hard work, we both know
which species is clearly more clever, but someday I'll figure them out.
Reverend Maynard: "You only have to be cute some of the time, then she'll
forgive you for whatever bad stuff you do."
Edie:  "Bad stuff, what bad stuff?" (grinning innocently).
[Posted in FML issue 1731]