Okay, here's a weird one for you.  I have a mutant little one who has a
habit of biting (not nipping, mind you).  Over the 5 years she has shared
our living space, she has learned that there are things she MAY NOT bite,
and things that she can get away with.  Needless to say, my skin is on the
prohibited list (although other humans are at rather great risk).  Anyway,
like all ferrets, when you do something she likes (neck scratches, back
rubs, etc.), she gets a little drooly and licks her lips - AND SOMETIMES SHE
BITES!  Not little love nibbles, either.  I was holding her next to my
abdomen this morning while brushing her, and she took a chomp that will
leave a major bruise - even though she won't bite me at any other time.  Has
anyone else noticed this behavior in their ferrets?  My other two never have
done anything like that - but then again they never bite, either...
Gwen M. Daley
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Virginia Tech
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[Posted in FML issue 1730]