I've had Cedric for almost a year now, and for the first time I think he
might be sick.  He is normally quite plump, but it seems like he's lost
weight in the past few weeks while my other ferret, Alexander, is packing
it on.
He is still very active, tearing around my apartment chasing after Alex, but
he doesn't seem to be eating very much and his stools seem small and seedy.
He still will beg for raisins and an occasional candy corn (no more than 2
or 3 in a day, no more than 2 or 3 times a week).  Since he is shedding his
coat right now, I thought maybe he had a hairball, so I've been giving him
Petromalt, about 3/4" every 2nd or 3rd day.
Should I be worried about him having a blockage or some other disorder?
Since my ferrets have never been sick, I don't really know if they will "let
me know" when they are sick.  As long as he is running around, is everything
probably ok?
My vet is OK, but he doesn't deal with too many ferrets and I feel like he
will just tell me I'm worrying about nothing, that it's just normal weight
fluctuation, so I figured I'd hear what you all have to say first since the
situation doesn't seem immediately critical.
Thanks a lot,
Cedric - "I don't have a blockage, I'm just watching my boyish figure"
Alexander - "A fat ferret is a happy ferret!"
P.S.   Does anyone know of a good ferret vet in the Ithaca, NY area?
[Posted in FML issue 1729]