First of all - a child being bit by a ferret (Fuzzybutt) and needing platic
surgery is total ********.  That child was most likely being abused by the
family - not the ferret.  Do these damned people know that ***** in CA who
is suing for $10,000.00??!!!!!  It sure in hell seems like it.
What is going on with that freaking law suit ******** anyway.  I'm sorry to
speak the way I do - but I'm German and Sagitarius so I'm told I will have a
very NASTY temper.  maybe I need a distemper shot - LOL.
Why the **** do people by Ferrets who have children when ALL parents should
know - ANY, ANY animal can bite, not just ferrets - but cats, dogs, birds,
snakes, and other such cute little creatures.
So why the hell are all these goddamn people always making a big deal about
a ferret biting someone??  When a ferret bits - it hurts - but it is not
harmful or life threating.  From what I understand - a animals mouth is 3x
cleaner than a humans mouth.  So when a child bits you - we should put it to
sleep and have children banned from households - cuz they are more dangerous
than Ferrets.
I know all that sounds far-fetched - but it is the truth.
Some ******** people just don't have any damn sense at all.
p.s.  Just like last time - if anyone is offended and would like a personal -
full apology - just e-mail me and I will be more than happy to give one.
[Moderator's note: I have a another idea - I'll just remove all the curses
and then subscribers don't have to ask for an apology.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1728]