Well, folks, here we sit - listening to some Christmas music that Miss
Thing, Mee Maw's choir director loaned us because he just happened to be in
the neighborhood.  Yeah, right!  We live nowhere near him.  If there are
such things as angels, Randolph certainly is one of them.
It seems that he heard that Ol' Flop Foot has now turned into Ol' Flop Laig.
Yes, I've been doing my best to deny a fact that follows my every step.
When the doctor told me that I may soon be in a wheelchair, I did my best to
get depressed.  Believe me.  I gave it my best effort - almost succeeded.
Then some wonderful things happened.
First, I was awakened this morning by my ferret alarm clock (Odie sneezing
in my ear promptly at 8AM - how does he know to do that?) Then he and Tater
proceeded to conduct their morning war dance and remind me that joy is the
supreme emotion in the universe.  Mee Maw came in and gave me a kiss that
has grown no less sweet, even though 34 years have passed since she first
blessed me with it.  I was content.  What more could I ask from life than to
be loved?
Then it dawned upon my waking mind (yes, I do have one) that I had to make
that journey to the little room down the hall.  I quickly strapped on the
stuff that helps me to walk, grabbed my cane, for my need was great, and
headed out to fulfill my mission.  Then I remembered that the doctors have
said that the time will soon come when I will no longer be able to do any of
this for myself.  Well, when it gets to the point that Mee Maw has to hold
my pee pee while I take care of business, we'll have to have us a serious
prayer meeting!  I love her more than words can possibly express, but I must
draw the line somewhere.  I have my dignity to consider!
Anyway, I was beginning to get depressed and to feel sorry for myself.  Then
the next miracle of this day happened.  Randolph dropped by and gave us some
CD's to listen to.  Just being in the presence of this angel of God did much
to improve my mood.  Yes, Randolph is gay.  Anyone who has a problem with
that can just get over it.  Miss Thing, or 'Bitch' as we affectionately call
each other, is one of the truest friends I have ever been priveleged to have.
So.  here we are: Mee Maw, Tater, Odie and myownself, listening to Christmas
music in October.  There is not a dry eye to be found in the house.  We are
surrounded by the sounds of love and the joy of being loved.  No, I'm not a
Christian.  I simply have no quarrel with the Prince of Peace, nor with
those who really follow His teachings.  He has done much this day to bring
healing to my soul.  For that, I am thankful.
Many much loves,
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1727]