Okay, I do not want to be flamed for this post.  I had my ferrets before I
watched this show and I kept them after.  I'm starting a club/shelter.  I
love my fuzzies.
However, we can't adaquately defend our babies if we don't kow the truth
behind the criticism.  So here goes:
Many, many months ago, I was watching a news commentary on the California
issue.  The DFG had some really great ammunition for their side.  A bullet
that was real hard for people who love children to ignore.  (I actually
watched this child's testimony, she was very good for their side, very
detrimental to ours.)
One of their witnesses was a little girl (10 - 12 years old), who has no
nose.  When she was an infant, a ferret climbed into her crib and attatcked
her.  When her parents responded to her a screams they found the bloody
ferret standing on top of their bloody faced infant repeatedly biting at the
child.  The little girl told the legistature about the operations that she
has already gone through.  The operations that she still has to go through.
About how both children and grownups react and treat her.  We all know that
a child with no nose has had to put up with some really disgusting remarks
from even more disgusting people.  She explained to the legistature how
vicious and mean and conniving ferrets are, how they only belong in the zoo.
Had I not already had mine, I never would have allowed one in my house.
Anyone who has never been around them would have a hard time not believing
this little girl.
My boss at work doesn't like ferrets.  Reason: he use to work for a guy that
had one that was allowed to bite feet.  Not only his owner's, but anyone's
that he chose.  Results, Steve thinks all ferrets bite.  I have a hard time
convincing him that they don't since my adoptee is a biter of feet.
Read thru the FML.  Yes ferrets bite.  (Why are several (many) turned into
shelters: because they were horrific biters) Yes dogs bite.  In order to
successfully argue our case, we must be aware of actual cases our critics
have found out about.  We must acknowledge that ferrets are like any other
domesticated animal.  Raised by negligant (sp?) or abusive owners, they
either live in a cowered state or a state of protection in which they strike
out before being struck.
My dogs don't bite, I'm not about to be silly enough to believe that
others don't.  But you better believe, I'm not giving up my dogs because
my neighbor failed to control or teach his better.  Ditto with my fuzzies.
No flames.  No cursing me thinner.  I love my fuzzies as much as you love
[Posted in FML issue 1727]