Chris - on bring your ferret in through LAX or Miami I really can't help
you.  However I did want to mention something just in case - Hawaii can be
the custom's port form hell.  They are VERY VERY strict.  Also ferrets are
illegal there.  I'm not sure but don't some flights stop there to refuel?
If you do go direct to LAX - ferrets are illegal there too.  I suggest you
do a lot of research not just on vacannations and paperwork but also how to
get water and food to your ferret at a stop, procedures to not have your
ferret confiscated if your flight gets delayed etc.  Maybe you could go
through Alaska?  Seattle?
Maybe people from California groups could give good advice.  Also it seems
from past posts that San Fran might be a little friendlier than LAX.  Marti
and the guy from PA: Get a staple gun and a single flat sheet from K-mart
and staple the sheet smooth and tight to the bottom of your couch.  Worked
for me (and also on 2 chairs and the bed!)
Mary, Boris and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1727]