Hi all! It's 1am and I just got back from the Chicago show and thought I'd
share some of my experiences.
For anyone who missed it, it was a great time! GCFA put on a good show and
everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I got to meet some excellent
breeders I've only known by reputation before (what a thrill for me :)).
Also got to meet the Killians. What a nice bunch of people (and Bill & Diane
weren't too bad either :))
Managed to wrangle Bill's registration for the Lansing show out of him.
Wasn't too hard, he had it ready for me :)
A short note on the GLFA show, we now have well over 200 ferrets entered in
the show. Boy, it's a lot of work! I have much more respect for show
registrars than ever before (and I had a lot of respect before!). Hope to
see some more FML faces there. Stop over to the Mid-Michigan Ferrets table
and say hi.
Well, time to hit the sack like my smarter fuzzies already have, they're
Tracy, feeling a nice warm afterglow from a day spent with fuzzy people!
Mid-Michigan Ferrets and Rescue
"Where the Fun Starts!"
GLFA Show Registrar
[Posted in FML issue 1727]