>I was in Petsmart today, and as I was standing in line I noticed a magazine
>simply titled: Ferrets.  I wish I had had time to open it up and look at it.
>... Has anyone else seen this magazine?
I bought it.  It is mostly for people who don't know much about ferrets, but
there are cute pictures and ads.  The information seems to be correct, which
surprised me a bit.  :) For me, it was perhaps not exactly a good value
since most of what it said I already knew, but it was a decent magazine.
And the pictures were cute.  I particularly liked the baby ferret on the
back dragging off the bottle of Ferretone.  :)
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Barbara Carlson                   Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
[log in to unmask]                                      (412) 481-5927
 http://www.gsia.cmu.edu/andrew/bcarlson/home.html (under construction)
Thought for the day:
    If "boring women have immaculate homes," I must be very interesting!
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[Posted in FML issue 1709]