Well we've had quite the hectic week.  What with losing Lynus on the weekend
and the *immense* stress of that, and now Butler and his massive abcess on
the ear.  We had it lanced, drained and sewed up and it promptly filled up
again, so we had to cut away part of the ear to drain it and leave it open,
now he has a big hole in his ear that we need to clean out with peroxide
continually.  The poor little devil is wearing an Elizabethan Collar (a
ferret sized one!) which makes getting into the food dish quite a chore ...
he puts his head in the dish to root through it (because obviously there
will be better stuff at the bottom) and the food slides down his collar and
he runs around the cage trying to get it out.
On a happier note, though, he trusts that I will make him feel better and
lets me clean out the ear-hole no matter how much it hurts, he cries and
then gives me kisses.  Much to Chris' (that's my fiance) despair, I do
belive this little ferret - formerly the nippiest critter in the universe
with the possible exception of Mocha, or Razor Lady - is falling in love
with his shelter momma and he just may become #18 :-)
This goes to show that his brothers and sister can be just as good, with a
little patience and understanding.  These ferrets are very social, and now
play with all my breeders, so our shift rotation is down to three groups
instead of four.  PHEW
Mocha, the Razor Lady, is turning into a new critter under Christine's
patient handling (and thick skin).  I guess some ferrets are just not "my"
kinda ferrets ... each one is different and needs a different owner to suit
their needs.  So all of you who have very bonded ferrets should feel very
special.  As hard as we try here at the shelter, we can't be the perfect
parents for everyone and I am always amazed at how some wicked critters
blossom into absolute dolls under someone else's handling.  Thanks so much
Christine :-)
Well, I guess that's about all that's new on the old Wherret front ... I
feel like I am on permanent poop control.  Next I plan to develop a strain
of ferret that only poops once every 48 hours (hey - I can dream can't I?)
Happy Ferretting everyone!
Sheena - [log in to unmask]                           |To Err is Ferret  |
Director - Wherret Ferrets Halfway House & Ferretry  |To Forgive...well |
VP - Ferret Association of Greater Vancouver         |...That's Our Job!|
         We're on the Web! http://ww2.portal.ca/~cmc~/ferrets/fagv/
[Posted in FML issue 1726]