Hi!  DeBorah here.  I've been busy bugging prospective politicians.  I
constantly call the campaign headquarters for each and every politician
whose signs are cluttering up the landscape and ask them where they stand on
the ferret issue and the DFG in general.  Most of them think I'm cracked,
but some have responded positively, especially when I tell them that the
issues are so ridiculous this election that I'm voting solely on the
politician's views on domestic ferret legalization and the "Leashing" of
the DFG!  Give it a go, call the campaign headquarters or stop in if you
are near one.  The results are quite educational.
DeBorah (and how do YOU feel about the gestapo tactics of the Department of
Fish and Game in California? )
P.S.  Best response I got was from the Governor's office.  They hung up on
me. Great common folk response.
[Posted in FML issue 1726]