I am a Ferret Midwife, I am delivering a fuzzie to Audra Grassley, Saturday.
I posted earlier that I knew someone that was selling a male ferret in my
area, and Audra contacted me, and I have made arrangements to meet her and
deliver her little fuzzie to her at McDonalds.
Should we go in and let him play in their McDonald Play Land?  Wow, wouldn't
that be the best playhouse, a romper room to die for in the eyes of a
ferret, the tub of balls would have to be omitted, wonder how they would
enjoy a slide?
Anyone ever think of letting them play on a childs indoor small plastic
slide?  Wonder how they would react!!!  With so many people taking their
ferrets to the park, anyone every take their fuzzie on the slide and of
course using caution in doing so?
Well, if the girl delivers her little boy to the salon Saturday, and drops
him off for me, then I will drive 45 minutes to Ann-Arbor and deliver baby
to his new MOM.
Marti Smith
P.S. Don't know if this little bit of info made it to the FML, but my couch
is worthless, the underneath lining is history, and they climb up into it
and play and sleep, weird to be sitting there and feel their rumbling under
your but!!!!  Oh well, I hate the couch anyway.  Will think of a futon for
my next one, as was suggested to me once.
See ya
[Posted in FML issue 1726]