Well, Easel and Friday have bonded charmingly - they constantly chase each
other around, tumble, play gently, and dook like crazy at each other.
Which, of course, leaves poor Noodle out of the loop.  The sad looks on his
poor little face would break even the hardest heart...so, of course, i spend
a lot of time sitting with him asleep in my lap, watching the other two
play.  Noodle's great - he'll let me do *anything* to him, including looking
at his teeth, clipping his nails, poking around in his ears - as long as
he's in mom's lap or mom's arms, things are kosher.  I highly recommend
spending time fussing with your ferrets - gently tugging ears, wiggling
noses, stroking whiskers and cheeks - so that they're accustomed to being
handled.  Noodle lets me use my finger to wiggle his nose to my heart's
content.  It's hilarious. :)  Anyway, ferret math will NOT strike again -
Noodle may be the outsider, but i am not not not going to get him a friend.
      Melissa Litwicki                              "Is it ... atomic?"
      [log in to unmask]                             "Yes! VERY atomic!"
[Posted in FML issue 1725]