I knew I forgot something in that other post!
Last year, right before Thanksgiving, I bought Emma.  The pet store worker
assured me she was spayed and descented.  However, early in December, she
went into heat.  I took her to the vet, who spayed and descented her.  I
also got her shots taken care of.  I talked with the pet store owner about
it, and he covered part of the cost of the spaying/descenting.
Since I was going home for Christmas, I expected to be able to cover the
rest with gift money.  Well, needless to say, things came up.  I had some
medical problems of my own, and being an unemployed college student, my
funds are very limited.  So I was not able to pay the bill by the due date,
and eventually it was referred to a collection agency.
_I have paid the bill in full._ That is now all cleared.  My ferrets are due
for shots soon.  I already have the money set aside, and will be paying the
vet in cash at the visit.  However, I would also like to take the vet some
sort of gift or donation, since I was so negligent with the bill.  What do
you guys suggest?  Vets - what are you in need of that the average person
could provide?  This clinic also boards animals - would newspapers be
welcomed?  Donations of cat/dog food?  Gift certificates for McDonald's????
I really am stumped.
Also - how can I get the coupon book and a subscription to Modern Ferret?  I
used to have ModFer's address, but it's disappeared.
Stephen Johnson - Your ferret's name is Azusa?  Are you by any chance an
anime fan??  Just wondering. ^_^
-joyce, Servant of Seth the Terrible and Wondrous  and Emma the Title-less
[Posted in FML issue 1725]