Boy first Giesela eats part of a catepiller and vomits 5 times and then the
next day Boris got out!  I hope these types of scares dont really come in
three's.  I'm not sure how he got out but I had been inside for around an
hour (after taking Giesela for a short walk around the house, Boris was on
the back porch where I had gone in and out) and was watching tv with the
front door open.  I started hearing some leaf rustling and though "squirrel
or chipmunk".  More rustling, well for no good reason I got up to look and
there was Boris - I opened the door and he ran in!  Thank God that Boris is
more of a "holer up'er" than Giesela who starts wandering in a straight line
away from the house.  I do wonder if walking them around the house a lot
taught him where the front door was?  While I certainly WOULD NOT RECOMMEND
THIS I once read a very bereaved post on aol by some guy, not a regular
poster, where he was going on about his beloved female ferret who slept on
his feet every night and how he would "let her out every night for a half
hour and then let her in".  Apparently she had died of cancer which he had
not realized was somewhat common in ferrets and he really hurting.  I got a
call from someone tonight, didn't catch the name, about was I going to the
ferret show?  Tried calling the number and, since I wasn't sure who called,
asked if she (the woman who answered) had called about the ferret show.
Mightly confused she replied "I have a ferret but don't know anything about
a show" So I repeated the number, which I had dialed wrong, and then told
her about the show, she said Well Thanks.  Sort of amusing to call a wrong
number and get another ferret owner!
Hope everyone's sick fuzzies get healthy, all healthy ferrets stay that way
and a prayer for all animals in bad places.
Mary, Boris (I was gonna scratch at the door but you beat me to it!) and
Giesela (Man those catepillers are fuzzy Hack Hack)
[Posted in FML issue 1724]