Dear ferret lovers:
I used to have three ferrets.  All female, Tippy, Naomi and Choo Choo.
Tippy loved broccoli and would get into the veggie bin any time you opened
the fridge and help herself to the broccoli.  If you even entered the
kitchen you were supposed to open the fridge for her as she would sit up and
beg at the door until you complied.  You always had to make sure she wasn't
in there before you closed the door.
Naomi liked to "drive" the Jeep!  She would sit in the middle of the wheel
and put her "hands" on the top side of the steer ing wheel and "drive." Got
some really strange looks with that as I would put my seat waaaaay back and
stear with my fingertips on the bottom of the wheel and nobody could see me!
Choo Choo, well she got blamed for everything the other two did.  They all
loved it when I would take a big box and fill it with store bought potting
soil.  They thought it was Christmas and New Years all at once.  You want to
see a pack of pink toes fly, get some potting soil!
One day I came home with some McDonald's for dinner.  Their favorite!  While
I was in the kitchen I heard the distinct wrattle of paper in the living
room where I had left MY dinner without thinking.  I ran back into the room
and just in time to see my hamburger pattie going down the hall at a fast
clip.  Just as I was getting ready to run after Tippy and the pattie, I
looked over and saw Choo Choo running off with a mouthful of french fries.
Naomi had the milk shake tipped over and chocolate shake all over her face
in ferret heaven.  I wasn't sure who to go after first.  Well, I went and
retrieved the pattie, or what was left of it, from under the bed and came
back and rescued what was left of the fries and grabbed the shake and left
Naomi to clean her own face of all that shake.  She didn't seem to mind.
Morel of the story, don't ever leave McDonald's laying around
Another thing that never lasted long when they got a whiff of them was those
doggy beaf jerky treats.  I used to find those things stashed all over the
house in the strangest places.
[Posted in FML issue 1724]